Dynamic Concepts

Listen to Mike's DC-Athlete experience

- I asked around with people at the gym and they recommended him, and he's been awesome!
- The thing I like about Dave is he mixes it up
- Dave tailors each and every lesson to your abilities
- Dave is a big believer in keeping you injury free
- I can't recommend him highly enough!

- Mike

Jeff's Rave Review

I have known Dave Carter for over three years now and in that time he has become a top level Mixed Martial Arts and Muay Thai Champion.

What's more important is what he can do for you!

Jeff RuthDave is one of the head coaches for Team Lloyd Irvin Martial Arts. He provides no-nonsense, REAL advice in learning how to handle a fight whether your standing or on the ground. His system is proven and he will keep you on your toes and demand results from you!

Listen, there are lots of cheap advice and materials out there. The problem is nobody tells you how to use it. Its more of a shotgun approach with most Martial Arts Instructors. There's also plenty of expensive "take the cash" advice out there too. These can be expensive and a waste of your time in more ways than one.

If you want advice that tells you like it is and the results that you deserve then I would urge you to look at Dave Carter's proven systems.

If you want to ask me personally contact me anytime.


Jeff Ruth
Chief Instructor Team Lloyd Irvin Martial Arts
Undefeated MMA/NHB fighter (9-0

Check out what Sam has to say about Dave Carter!

- Definitely made an impression in my martial arts career

- Carter's fitness has made an impact that I could keep up with these young guys, and I'm 40 years old!

- It's taken my ... jiu-jitsu, boxing and thai boxing to a level I feel comfortable (taking on) these 20 year old guys

- If you're undecisive to train with Carter the decision is to do it!

- Sam Perdomo

Sam's Rave Review

I have learned SO much from Dave!

His fighting concepts from Submission Grappling, Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling, or just basic Self Defense are revolutionary.

Sam PerdomoI have been studying martial arts for about 8 and a half years with top instructors and Dave has completely changed and improved what I have learned about the concepts of ground and standup fighting, and the psychology of fighting in and out of the ring.

Dave knows his S_ _ _!!!

Sam Perdomo
Corrections officer
Security Specialist


See what Chris thinks about Dynamic Concepts

- I've been doing martial arts for over a decade ... and I've won fights because of his instruction
- I've done other styles but because of his instruction I do not need to do anything else
- I recomend it to anyone else!

Andrew's Rave Review

Dave Carter's unique teaching methods have helped me greatly in both submission grappling and Thai boxing.

Andrew WalkerI have tried other programs in the past with limited success. Before I came across Dave's system I wasted hours of training time without being able to take home hardly anything useful. His ability to break down and teach techniques is remarkable.

His style of teaching focuses on understanding key principles that are applicable in a variety of situations. Understanding these key principles will raise any student's learning curve dramatically and help one learn in a logical manner.

Whether you are looking to fight in the ring, the cage, or the street, Dave Carter's fighting system is for you.

Andrew Walker
College Student

Find out what Tania thinks of Dave's training

- Dave is by far my favorite trainer!
- He will give you the best workout
- And just get you fit fast!

- Tania

Vivek's Rave Review

In my book the definition of fighter, hard work, dedicated, amazing, unique, and talented trainer is Dave Carter.

His style of training is truly unique and amazing.

Vivek Nakarami

Vivek Nakarmi ready
for a WKA Tournament

Dave Carter, where should I begin to describe him. It is very difficult to describe how amazing this man is both as a coach and a friend. I have trained both in USA and internationally but I have never met or trained with anyone like Dave. His style of training is truly unique and amazing.

He has taught me to become a very good competitive fighter . I have trained with Dave and the technique he has provided me is just phenomenal. Dave's training has taken my fighting (Muay Thai) into higher level, in fact, it has sky rocketed.

His techniques are very unique and very very very effective in fights. I, myself, have used it in many of my fights and it is very effective. I am emphasizing the word UNIQUE a lot, that's because only one thing comes in my mind when I hear Dave's name "his unique style of training fighters".

I am very glad that I have gotten a chance to train (Muay Thai) with Dave. I like everything about Dave's training method but the best thing I like about his training is his unique style of explaining techniques and he makes it very simple to understand.

If you are looking for a trainer for you, both competitive and recreational or for weight loss, self-defense or anything, Dave is not only the right but also the perfect person to contact. He will push you to the limit to get the result you want as he has done with me. He will take your game to whole new level.

Finally, I just want to say that in my book the definition of fighter, hard work, dedicated, amazing, unique, and talented trainer is Dave Carter.

Don't miss out in this!

Vivek Nakarmi

Listen to Dave's DC-Athlete experience

- Its just absolutely fantastic, you can't believe the workout you get
- Great cardiovascular & strength routine
- Fabulous, I love working with Dave!

- Dave

Jamal's Rave Review

Simple put: Dave is the best.

I've lost a total of 70lbs and I could not have done it without him.

He knows how to challenge you to not only get the best out of yourself but also to believe in your ability to do. More than what you thought possible.

I can personally say from my own journey working out with Dave that there are only a few feelings greater than looking in the mirror and for the first time in a long time really liking what you see!

Jamal Smith

Jamal Sent me a e-mail a few weeks ago, saying that he's lost another 16lbs just following my diet and exercise plan. He's a trooper !

Hear Sage's DC-Athlete opinion

- Lost about 30 pounds in almost 2 weeks
- Inspired my sister to start training
- If you want to get in crazy good shape and learn to defend yourself better than anyone on this planet go with Dave Carter!

- Sage

John's Rave Review

I have lost 60 lbs and almost 10 inches off my waist in just 6 months!

When I first met David Carter I was 6'4", 280 lbs and had a size 44 waist. Through Dave's personal training methods in both conditioning and Muay Thai I have lost 60 lbs and almost 10 inches off my waist in just 6 months!

His work outs really get the best out of you. Plus, Dave has accommodated my busy schedule and even trained me before sunrise just to make sure we stayed consistent.

Through Dave's no-nonsense approach I'm stronger, faster and fitter than ever.

John Goldman

Jill's Rave Review

I have noticed that I feel more energized, more confident, and I have to admit that I am starting to look damn good, too! Thanks Dave!

I am a mom and wife, I own a business, I have lots of commitments in my life. To me, time is a premium commodity. In the past, I saw working out as a big waste of time, especially because I did not see or feel results quickly and because my trainer gave me very little information about how my efforts would specifically achieve results. On top of that, I was coming to the realization that I oftentimes put myself last, and I needed to be inspired to do activities that focus on me.

I explained all of this to Dave, and from the beginning he has made my workouts work for me by keeping things fresh and fun, by keeping me informed throughout the process, and by explaining and demonstrating variations that will work for me.

As for putting myself last Yes, Dave has reminded me that keeping myself strong and healthy will help me accomplish what I need to accomplish for the important people in my life.

Most importantly, though, Dave has helped me recognize that I am responsible for my health and fitness, that I cannot blame anything or anyone if I don’t choose to keep myself healthy, safe, and strong, and that I am well worth the effort!

Jill J
Mom, Wife, Business Owner

Daren's Rave Review

If you want real comprehensive training from someone with experience, give Dave Carter a call.

I have known Dave Carter for about 7 years now. At the time I was 35 years old, and wasn't looking to compete in any martial art competitions, but was looking for real life self defense training and some exercise.

I had been a fan of Mixed Martial Arts for years and I had an idea of what works, just didn't know where to go find the best training. I was looking for school and training advice and posted looking for advice on a well known MMA site, www.mma.tv. Dave was the first to respond, and literally guided my experience into Mixed Martial Arts.

He not only introduced me to like minded enthusiasts, and experienced trainers, but became one of my trainers and mentors over the years. Dave is not only fundamentally knowledgeable in the structured disciplines of various martial arts ( Muay Thai, Brazilian Jui Jitsu, Jeet Kune Do), but Dave also possesses knowledge of real world fighting that is of course undisciplined, unexpected, and unpredictable.

His techniques are proven in and out of the ring. I know, I have seen 4 of his fights and sparred with him. If you want real comprehensive training from someone with experience, give Dave Carter a call!

Daren Epps
IT Government Contractor


Robert's Rave Review

Dave Carter is BAD ASS!

Now that I got that out of the way, I'll explain why it's a fact...

I'm an IT consultant who travels often for work. Since 2005 I've taken Muay Thai at 3 different schools to date. I met Dave when I began training Muay Thai at Team Lloyd Irvin Martial Arts in Arlington, VA in early 2006 and was immediately convinced he was the trainer I've been searching for all this time.

My Muay Thai and conditioning has improved immensely after just a few short months of training with Dave. Not only does he have a wealth of real world fight experience in and out of the ring, but he also possesses the ability to apply that knowledge to his students in a way that's easy to understand, learn and actually use.

Being a person that has been exposed to quite a few encounters outside of the ring, I was also interested in self defense techniques that might be more applicable for street situations. Dave was able to deliver on this request in ways I would have never imagined.

Dave was able to quickly provide real solutions to common situations I've had difficulty with in the past in a way that has my confidence skyrocketing. He even has an arsenal of Dave Carter Originals that you won't find being taught anywhere else. If you have experience with any form of fighting, you'll immediately think "Wow, this guy knows his s__t!" In fact, he's so in tune with the reality of fighting, he was able to anticipate many of my questions before I had a chance to ask them!

You don't get results like this when you train with someone who learned from a video and/or has never been in the scenarios they're attempting to teach.

If you're interested in any form of fighting or self defense, do yourself a favor and schedule a session with Dave to find out what BAD ASS is all about. I bet you won't be able to do just one session.

As a side note... I've also evaluated 6-10 other schools since 2005 and can say that Team Lloyd Irvin Martial Arts in Arlington is top notch in every way. If you're in the area, don't miss your chance to hookup with Dave and the other instructors at this school.

Robert Mirro
IT Consultant


Chris's Rave Review

Its easy to stand behind Dave and his systems because Dave stands behind each of his students regardless of their goals or levels.

Over the years I have trained in many sports ranging from motor cross, traditional martial arts to competitive body building and I have never meet a more dedicated and effective coach than Dave Carter.

Dave takes a personal interest in each and every ones of his clients success. Dave is dedicated to ensuring that each of his student reach their full physical and mental potential. Its easy to stand behind Dave and his systems because Dave stands behind each of his students regardless of their goals or levels.

I would and do recommend Dave Carter to anyone who wants to improve their fitness level, gain self confidence or train in combat arts.

Best regards,

Chris Wright
Director of Operations
Metro DC, VA, MD


Jahan's Rave Review

Dave Carter is one of the best instructors I have ever had.

I have been training with Dave for a few months now doing private sessions, and it has been a rewarding experience. Dave possesses atremendous amount of knowledge in all areas of MMA, Nutrition, Conditioning, Physical Therapy ,and much much more.

I wanted to start working out / conditioning myself to get back into shape. I did not want the ordinary life of going to a gym, lifting weights, run on a treadmill etc etc. I wanted to get in shape, but attain new knowledge while doing so. MMA was the answer, because not only is it the best workout I have ever gotten, but I am learning so much, thank to Dave.

Due to my crazy work schedule, I don't have time for classes etc. I had to look into doing this 1 on 1 training. Dave came highly recommended by some of best, so I decided to train with him. He took the time to update me on his background and how he could help me as well. It was a great fit, and I have been pleased ever since.

From day one, Dave was a great teacher. He kicked my butt (no bruises just the best workout I'd ever had), but he taught me a lot. In terms of MMA or Self Defense, I feel Dave is great and teaches amazing "kick ass" techniques. Dave provides real solutions and how to think and react quickly and effectively. He gives real life experience, and how to deal with it. Great thing is he provides several defensive to offensive techniques like I have never seen. Also, you have to love "Dave Carter Originals" which is his own private collections of extremely effective techniques.

The great thing about Dave is he takes the time necessary to show and answer all questions you have, and makes sure you understand everything and why. He also gives you "homework" which is essential to learning. He sends techniques, conditioning work for your cardio, nutrition, and muscle recovery. Dave loves to give you videos, books to read, articles, etc anything to improve his clients.

I highly recommend Dave Carter. I have done everything from wrestling, Karate, sports, etc, and Dave has been on the top of that list to whipping me into shape and learning MMA.

Try it out, you will love it!!!

Jahan Moghadam
Exec. VP


Chris's Rave Review

Working at the White House with the Secret Service and coming from a straight Thai boxing discipline, I needed more in my arsenal then just straight punching, kicking and kneeing.

Dave has helped me to become a more rounded fighter complimenting my stand up style with great clinching, takedowns, ground control and submission techniques that are effective in my line of protective work.

Chris A
Secret Service
Muay Thai Fighter


Johnathan's Rave Review

Dave is an excellent teacher, because he takes the time to understand a student's problems, then skillfully explains how to correct the problems

As a 40 year old "beginner," I had been training in Muay Thai for almost six months, but there were certain concepts that were mentioned all the time (like "turning over your hips") that I felt like I wasn't "getting" or maybe I was just too uncoordinated, or inflexible, to do.

I had taken many "level 1" classes at Team Lloyd Irvin with Dave, and I knew he had an excellent eye for body mechanics, because he had helped me with other aspects of my technique with relatively simple, easy-to-implement, suggestions.

I sent Dave a e-mail explaining three "problem areas" for me. Dave, then asked some follow-up questions, so he could be sure he understood where I wanted to improve, and then we scheduled a private lesson. Though the lesson was scheduled for an hour, Dave spent an hour and a half making sure that I had, at least for a little while, successfully mastered each of my technique difficulties. Dave also gave me drills that I could practice away from the gym to help me continue to improve.

Dave is an excellent teacher, because he takes the time to understand a student's problems, then skillfully explains how to correct the problems, and, most importantly, he patiently works with the student until he is sure you understand how to do things right.

I would strongly recommend Dave to anyone who wants to improve their martial arts skills.

Jonathan Lee
Sr. Vice President,
Regulatory Affairs

Grace's Rave Review

Whenever I need anything that has to do with health, fitness, fighting, self-defense mechanisms, as far as I can remember Dave Carter has been the man for me to turn to for any advice, suggestions, recommendations, lessons, etc.

And the result is always a breath-of fresh air of understanding the technical concept in any way to help you to understand better. For example, his use of analogies, comparing techniques to real life situations to help clarify makes him a superb instructor with his long time skills and experience and well rounded knowledge. The hands-on kind, the theoretical kind as well as philosophical.

I find him to be a very competent character in his integrity, workmanship and being knowledgeable of his skills and important useful information that has anything to do with his specialties and knowing at least a little bit about a lot. If he can't give you an answer, help you or show you, he can find a way.

Someone worthwhile keeping around personally, business-wise and health wise--as in anything health, diet, exercise, fighting, etc. I know first-hand because I have known Dave for about 10 years now and have seen his skills and knowledge grow and progress as well as the people he has worked with as well as clients he has trained---only to get better, of course. This man is dedicated to what he does and loves. This is the real deal if you want to consult someone who is first-hand experience himself.

Dave is the man to know if you want to get some thorough good for the soul fighting, health, better life, better spent time, feeling better and stress relief training or consultation.

Grace Calayag
Business Owner
Tae Kwon Do Black Belt

Training in the DC Metro Area!

  Relentless MMA
14740 Flint Lee Rd‎
Chantilly, VA
Pentagon MMA
1041 S Edgewood St
Arlington, VA

Train with Carter!

Dave Carter
MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Grappling and Weight loss Coach
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
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