Swim: Starting from a pushup position with the body in one straight line. Lift your left arm straight up and extended in line with your head while at the same time lifting your right leg and balanceing on your right arm and left leg for 3 seconds and then return the left arm and right leg to the ground and raise the right arm and left leg and hold for 3 seconds and repeat
Swim twist: After performing a swim bring the knee across the body while bringing the extended arms elbow down until the knee and elbow make contact, return to the swim position and then repeat the process with the opposite arm and leg
Walkout: Starting in a standing position with the feet separated wider than shoulder width. Squat down and place the hands on the ground between the feet and walk your hands out until you reach a pushup position. From there perform a pushup (options variable) and then walk the hands back to the start position with the hips lowered and into the squat position. From the squat position lift your hands off the ground and stand straight up
Walkout with a twist squat: Perform a Walkout and as you return to the squat position after the pushup, and explosively jump and twist 180 degrees in the air landing in a deep squat with the feet wider than shoulder width and then explode back into the air and twist 180 degrees landing in a squat from there stand up and return to the same position you started the Walkout with
Walkout with a long jump: Perform a walkout and before returning to the standing start position stay in your squat, reach your arms back past your feet stretching the shoulders throw them forward and perform a long jump.
Twist squats: squat down with the feet wider than shoulder width, explosively jump and twist 180 degrees in the air landing in a deep squat with the feet wider than shoulder width and then explode back into the air and twist 180 degrees landing in a squat
Kettlebell OR DUMBBELL
2 arm Swings: start by gripping the handle with both hands, spread the feet wider than shoulder width, bend you legs and push the hips backward while keeping the back straight and erect (think box squat), and push the hips forward and strand straight up to move the kettlebell upwards, as it comes down DRIVE THE HIPS BACK, BEND THE LEGS AND NOT THE BACK, and thrust the hips forward again to repeat the swing motion
1 arm swings: start with the kettlebell in the weak arm first, with the weight between your legs, bend your legs into a squat position pushing the hips backwards (think box squat), and drive the hips forward to move the kettlebell upwards, squat as the kettlebell comes back down and keep the back straight
Walking 2 arm swings: starting with your feet wider than hip width, knees bent and hips back in a squat position, and both hands gripping the kettlebell handle. get the kettlebell moving by squeezing the glutes and straightening the legs and complete two regular 2 arm swings and on the third step forward with one leg as the kettlebell is rising up and weightless and return to the same stance with the feet wide and squat down as the kettlebell begins to go back down while keeping the back straight.
Thrusters: start with the weights at shoulder level, squat and overhead press the weights in one motion
Twisting swings: perform a 2 arm swing when the kettlebell reaches it’s height step back or forward with one leg and turn 180 degrees as the kettlebell returns to the starting position down between your legs
1 Arm Thrusters: Start with the kettlebell or dumbbell at shoulder height in the “Racked” position. From here squat down and explosively press the weight up as you stand up straight up and this can be accompanied with a explosive jump into the air
Pushup renegade row: Perform a pushup with two dumbbells in the hands. After you finish the pushup and return to the starting position, bring one arm up and row the weight by lifting the elbow as high as possible, replace the weight on the ground and do another pushup and lift/row the opposite weight while balancing on the other arm
Weighted burpee: Start in the standing position with two dumbbells in your hands bend at the hips and place your hands and dumbbells on the ground kick your legs back to a pushup position, perform a pushup, kick the legs back up to the original bent over position, stand up straight and jump up into the air while extending the hands and weights above the head
Reverse lunge with shoulder press: Get two dumbbells and bring them up to the shoulder position, from there perform a reverse lunge while at the same time extending the arms above the head for a shoulder/military press. As you bring the extended leg back to the starting standing position lower the weights back to the shoulders and perform another with the opposite leg
Sitting upright on ball
Ø Hip circles
Ø See Saw overhead stretch
Back on ball
Ø Toe touches: laying all the way back on the ball with the arms above the head and coming up into a crunch and touching the toes by straightening the legs by raising up onto the heels and stretching out the hamstring
Ø Standard Crunches: crunches on stability ball
Ø Weighted Crunches: weight can be in hands with arms extended to make it harder or on chest with arms crossed to make it easier
Shoulders on ball
Ø See saw: with shoulders on ball
Ø Russian twist: clasp hands and twist left and right
Ø Bridges: with shoulders on ball drop the hips to the floor and raise them to the ceiling
Ø Wall squats: put the stability ball on the wall and your back against the ball and squat
Holding stability ball or medicine ball in hands
Ø Halo’s: hold the ball over head and make circles above your head and move the hips in a circle
Ø Forward lunges: alternating legs
Ø Lateral lunges: going from side to side making sure to bend the leg that steps out to the side
Ø Twisting angled lunges 45 degrees backwards
Ø Reverse lunges: stepping back with one leg and into a lunge
Ø Forward Lunges with a twist over the forward leg
Ø Lateral lunges with the ball starting over your head and then touching the ground outside the foot
Ø Twisting lunges with a press of the ball
Ø Reverse lunges with a forward chop with the ball
Face down with hips on ball
Ø Supermans or hyperextensions for the lower back and glutes
Face down with hips on ball and hands down on the ground and feet up
Ø Reverse hyperextensions: put your hands on the ground and squeeze your glutes/butt and raise both legs into the air for a 3 to 8 seconds, return to the start position and rest for as long as you held your feet up
Feet on ball face down
Ø Pushups with feet on ball
Ø Pike/Knee tucks (with your shins on the ball and your hands on the ground bring your knees to your chest)
Back on the ground with stability ball between the feet
Ø Ball passes: passing the ball between the hands and the feet doing a crunch in the middle and not letting the head, feet, or ball touch the ground
Ø Windshield wipers: laying on your back with the ball between your feet and rotating from left to right with your legs like a windshield wiper
Back on the ground with stability ball under feet
Ø Hamstring curls: straighten your legs and put your heels on the ball to start then bring your heels to your butt rolling the ball to you while lifting your hips into the air at the same time
Stability ball and Dumbbells matrix
Bicep curls
Overhead press
Upright rows
Bent over rows
Bench press
Tricep Extensions
Bridge (dumbbells on hips)
toe touch x10
Russian twist x15 each side w/ 20 – 30lbs dumbbell
bridge x10
one legged bridge x 10 each leg
bridge x5
toe touch x 5
Dynamic kicks
1 min front and back
1 min side to side
3 Point lunge each leg x10 (5 each leg)
forward, side, and back lunge with left leg
forward, side and back lunge with right leg
box squat with medicine ball press x 12
low box squat with medicine ball press x15
squat with medicine ball press x20
hamstring curls on stability ball x 15
single leg hamstring curls on the stability ball x10
palm out (wide grip) assisted pull ups x10 w 70-90 lbs of help
palm in (bicep grip) assisted pull-ups x10 w 70-90 lbs of help
T pushups with a kick to the hand
swim twist (get in the pushup position and lift the right arm and left leg and then the bring the left knee across your body to touch the right elbow)
alternating single arm swings x10 with medium to heavy weight 10Left, 10 right
Pushup & twist on Reebok core board & bosu x12
Front/Zercher (remember to put your hands across your chest like you’re in a coffin) front box squat x 8 reps w/95lbs
bench 135lbs x10
smith machine pull-up x10
Front/Zercher front box squat x 8 reps w/95lbs
palm in pull ups x10 w 70-90 lbs of help
bench press light 135 x 8
bench press 165-175 x 5
alternating lunge up on bench
bench press 165-175 x 3
butterfly 20lbs x 10 reps
tricep (close grip) bench press x15 reps w/ 45-85lbs
lunge up on bench and curl w 20-30lbs dumbbells x 20
10 weighted burpees (grab two dumbbells drop to a pushup position do a pushup and jump in the air with your hands above your head)
workout 2
FOCUS: Flexibility, Chest, Back, biceps
toe touch x10
Russian twist x15 each side w/ 20 – 30lbs dumbbell
bridge x10
one legged bridge x 10 each leg
bridge x5
toe touch x 5
Hip circles x10 L & R
Halo x10 L & R
Swim Twist x20 or 1 min
Dynamic kicks (one hand on wall for support)
1 min front and back
1 min side to side
3 Point lunge each leg x10 (5 each leg)
forward, side, and back lunge with left leg
forward, side and back lunge with right leg
Bosu pushups x 15-20
Bench press 12 reps w 45lbs (just the bar)
Bench press 10 reps w 135
Smith machine pull-ups x12
Zercher squat or dumbbell squat x12 45-95lb
Break 2 min
Bench press 175 x8 reps
Assisted wide grip Pullups x10 w 50-90lbs of support
Assisted bicep/close grip pull-ups x 10
Pushup and row with 25-35lbs dumbbells
Step up and lunge on box or bench and curl w30 – 40 lbs x14
Break 2 min
Bench press 185 x3
Bench press 155 x8
Tricep bench press 45lbs x12
Dumbbell butterfly 20-40lbs x12
Smith machine pull-ups x 14
Zercher box squat 95lbs x 10
Iron cross 7.5-12 lbs x 10
Zercher box squat 95lbs x6-10
Resistance band power cleans x 30 (blue or red band)
Stability ball Hamstring curls x20
Stability ball Hamstring curl and crunch x20
Windshield wiper x40
Bicep grip Pull-ups x15 w 50-80 lbs support
14 weighted burpees
FOCUS: Legs (Quads, Hamstring Calves) and shoulders
toe touch x10
Russian twist x15 each side w/ 20 – 30lbs dumbbell
bridge x10
one legged bridge x 10 each leg
bridge x5
toe touch x 5
Hip circles x10 L & R
Halo x10 L & R
Dynamic kicks (one hand on wall for support)
1 min front and back
1 min side to side
3 Point lunge each leg x8 (5 each leg)
forward, side, and back lunge with left leg
forward, side and back lunge with right leg
Stability ball Hamstring curl x10
Single leg Hamstring curl x12
Stability Ball hamstring curl x12
Bosu Squat x14
Forward lunge on bosu x14
Reverse lunge and shoulder press x14
T-pushup with kick x14
Single arm barbell curl x 5 30lbs
Resistance band power cleans x 30 (blue or red band)
Box squats with medicine ball press x14
Wall squat with forward and side alternating raise x20 7.5-12lbs
Swings x10 50-65lbs
Walking swings x10 50-65lbs
Twisting swings x10 50-65lbs
Walkout long jump with 2 pushups x8
Judo pushups x 6
Deadlift x8
Zercher squats x10 95-135lbs
Single leg Hamstring curls on the machine x5 30-50lbs
S ball hamstring curls x20
Single arm barbell curl x 5 30lbs
Reverse lunge and press x 12
Lateral Bosu shuffle 1 min
Lateral Bosu shuffle with medicine ball
1 arm Thrusters x15 each arm
Walkout twist squat x8