The aim of this workout is to promote strength, flexibility, balance and coordination through out the whole body while at the same time increasing cardiovascular endurance and muscular tone.
Sitting upright on ball
Ø Hip circles: Rotate the hips in a circular motion on the ball by using a pelvic tilt
Ø See Saw overhead stretch: Alternate reaching each arm above your head while moving the hips to the side of the up reached arm stretching the back and opposite hamstring
Back on ball
Ø Toe Touches: laying all the way back on the ball with the arms above the head and coming up into a crunch and touching the toes by straightening the legs by raising up onto the heels and stretching out the hamstring
Ø Standard Crunches: crunches on stability ball
Ø Weighted Crunches: weight can be in hands with arms extended to make it harder or on chest with arms crossed to make it easier
Shoulders on ball
Ø See saw with shoulders on ball
Ø Russian twist: clasp hands and twist left and right
Ø Bridges: with shoulders on ball drop the hips to the floor and raise them to the ceiling
Ø Wall squats: put the stability ball on the wall and your back against the ball and squat
Holding stability ball or medicine ball in hands
Ø Halo’s: hold the ball over head and make circles above your head and move the hips in a circle
Ø Forward lunges with a trunk rotation: alternating legs
Ø Lateral lunge and reach: going from side to side making sure to bend the leg that steps out to the side
Ø Twisting angled lunges 45 degrees backwards: pivot on your base leg turn around and lunge forward
Ø Reverse lunges: stepping back with one leg and into a lunge
Ø Forward Lunges with a twist over the forward leg
Ø Lateral lunges with the ball starting over your head and then touching the ground outside the foot
Ø Twisting lunges with a press of the ball
Ø Reverse lunges with a forward chop with the ball
Face down with hips on ball
Ø Supermans/hyperextensions: Place your self on the stability ball with your hips lying on the top of the ball while the rest of your body is relaxed and conforming to the ball. From this start position tighten your abs, spinal erectors and glutes aka squeze your stomach, lower back and butt tight and lift your head up as high as possible and hold the position for 2 to 5 seconds and return to the start position.
Face down with hips on ball and hands down on the ground and feet up
Ø Reverse hyperextensions: put your hands on the ground and squezze your glutes/butt and raise both legs into the air for a 3 to 8 seconds, return to the start position and rest for as long as you held your feet up
Feet on ball face down
Ø Pushups with feet on ball
Ø Pike/Knee tucks (with your shins on the ball and your hands on the ground bring your knees to your chest)
Back on the ground with stability ball between the feet
Ø Ball passes: passing the ball between the hands and the feet doing a crunch in the middle and not letting the head, feet, or ball touch the ground
Ø Windshield wipers: laying on your back with the ball between your feet and rotating from left to right with your legs like a windshield wiper
Back on the ground with stability ball under feet
Ø Hamstring curls: straighten your legs and put your heels on the ball to start then bring your heels to your butt rolling the ball to you while lifting your hips into the air at the same time
Stability ball and Dumbbells matrix
Bicep curls
Overhead press
Upright rows
Bent over rows
Bench press
Tricep Extensions
Bridge (dumbbells on hips)
One hand on the wall kick forward and back and kick your hand
One hand on wall kick your leg from inside to outside in a lateral pattern
One hand on wall kick upwards and outward and touch your hand
Ø Judo pushups/Dands
Ø T-pushups
Ø T-pushups with a kick
Ø T-pushups with dumbbells into a row and side press
Single arm, single leg, toe touch and overhead press: Standing on one leg, with a weight in the opposite hand extend the opposite leg out in front bend at the hip while keeping the base leg straight with a very soft bend in the knee, and keep the extended leg straight and out behind you until your body is parallel to the ground and bring the weight to a inch above your foot and then return to the standing position with the one leg still raised, now in front. From here press the weight over head and bend at the hips again touch the toe and repeat.
2 arm Swings: start by gripping the handle with both hands, spread the feet wider than shoulder width, bend you legs and push the hips backward while keeping the back straight and erect (think box squat), and push the hips forward and strand straight up to move the kettlebell upwards, as it comes down DRIVE THE HIPS BACK, BEND THE LEGS AND NOT THE BACK, and thrust the hips forward again to repeat the swing motion
1 arm swings: start with the kettlebell in the weak arm first, with the weight between your legs, bend your legs into a squat position pushing the hips backwards (think box squat), and drive the hips forward to move the kettlebell upwards, squat as the kettlebell comes back down and keep the back straight
Thrusters: start with the weights at shoulder level, squat and overhead press the weights in one motion
NOTE: (make sure you use a weight where you keep good form and stop 2 short of failure, keep the break short and less than 1 minutes between exercise)
Ø Toe Touches x12
Ø Hip circles x15 left & 15 right
Ø See Saw overhead stretch x10 left & 10 right
Ø See saw from shoulders on ball x12 left & 12 right
Ø Russian twist x15
Ø Bridges x15
Ø Halo’s (hold the ball over head and make circles above your head and move the hips in a circle) x 10 left, & 10 right
Ø Squat and overhead reach with stability ball x 20
LUNGES with Stability Ball
Ø Forward lunges with a twist x10
Ø Lateral lunges with ball overhead and touching the ground by the extended leg x10
Ø Twisting angled lunges 45 degrees backwards while pressing the ball out at chest level x10
Ø Reverse lunges while raising the ball above your head x10
Lunge complex
One leg at a time aka 4 lunges then switch
Ø Forward lunges with a twist x10
Ø Lateral lunges with a weight overhead and touching the ground by the extended leg x10
Ø Twisting angled lunges 45 degrees backwards while pressing the weight out at chest level x10
Ø Reverse lunges while raising the weight above your head x10
T pushups with kick x 10
Single arm, single leg, toe touch and overhead press
x20 on each side
Stability ball and Dumbbells matrix
3 sets 8-14 reps each with a weight you can curl 15 x with good form & a weight you can curl 16 x with good form
1. Bicep curls
2. Overhead press
3. Upright rows
4. Bent over rows
5. Bench press
6. Butterflys
7. Tricep Extensions
8. Bridge (dumbbells on hips)
ABS/Floor series
Ø Hamstring curls with hip lift x 20
Ø Windshield Wiper x 40
Ø Alternating stability ball pass from hands to legs x15 2 count
Ø Side leg lifts with stability ball x 20
Ø Windshield wiper x30
Ø Swings x10 Left arm and 10 right arm with 36 to 40lbs
Ø Thrusters x10 with 20- 35lbs
Stability Ball Pushups and Pike/knee tuck
2 pushups and 4 pikes for 4 sets
Jump rope 1 minute (if you can't jumprope substitute jumping jacks or scissor jacks)
10 twist squats
Jump rope 1 minute
10 burpees
Jump rope 1 minute
10 T-Pushups
Jump rope 1 minute
10 thrusters
Jump rope 1 minute
10 twist squats
Jump rope 1 minute
Toe touches x10
Halo’s x 10