Here are just a few of my favorite combinations, Give them a try and remember unless you're over 7 feet tall, and 300 lbs then most times you're going to need to throw combinations, especially if you run into another 7 foot monster.
Four count series
(Right -Left -Right -Left)
(Left-Right -Left -Right )
(Right -Left -Right -Right )
(Left -Right -Left -Left )
R kick, L hook, R cross, L kick
L kick, R cross, L hook, R kick
R kick, L hook, R cross, R kick
L kick, R cross, L jab, L kick
Regular MT combos
L jab, R cross, R foot jab
L jab, R cross, R foot jab, R low kick
L jab, R cross, R foot jab, R head kick
L jab, R cross, short foot jab, L low kick
L jab, R cross, short foot jab, L low kick, L high kick
L jab, R cross, short foot jab, L low kick, R high kick
L jab, R cross, L jab, R cross, L, low kick, R low kick
L jab, R cross, L hook, R low kick
L jab, R cross, L hook, R foot jab, R high kick
L kick, R cross, L body kick, R cross
L kick, R cross, L whip, R low kick
L kick, R cross, L whip, R shovel hook, L post, R head kick
L kick, R cross, L whip, R uppercut, L hook, R post, L low kick
L kick, R foot jab, L kick, R cross, R low kick
L jab, R cross, Clinch with the L, 3 straight knees, post, R kick (hi or low)
L jab, R cross, L hook, Clinch with the R, 3 straight knees, post, R kick (hi or low)
L shield, L foot jab, L low kick, R cross, L shovel hook, R cross, R low kick
L shield, R cross, L jab, R low kick
L shield, R cross, L jab, R low kick, R high kick
L shield, R foot jab, L jab, R low kick
L jab, R Cross, L Hook, R Cross
L jab, R cross, L uppercut, R cross |