Ø Hip circles
Ø Toe Touches
Ø See Saw overhead stretch
Ø See saw from shoulders on ball
Ø Russian twist (clasp hands and twist left and right)
Ø Bridges (with shoulders on ball drop the hips to the floor and raise them to the ceiling)
Ø Halo’s (hold the ball over head and make circles above your head and move the hips in a circle)
Forward Kick and back and kick your hand x 20-30
Lateral/Side to side kick x 20-30
Up and Out kick and touch your hand x 20-30
Ø Wall squats x15
Ø Bosu Squats on the squishy side x10
Ø Bosu Squats on the flat side x10
Ø 1 arm swings 16 each arm
Ø Judo pushups x10
Ø 1 arm swings 15 each arm
Ø Judo/Hindu pushups x5
Twist Squats x10
Ø T pushups x10
Ø Hamstring curls on the stability ball x15
Ø Windshield wiper x20
Ø 1 arm swings x10
Ø Judo pushups x3
Ø Toe touches x 10